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Price Volume Trend

The Price Volume Trend (PVT) Indicator is a useful and popular tool for Forex traders, designed to measure the cumulative flow of money into and out of a security. It is available free of charge on the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. The indicator is calculated by taking the difference between the current closing price and the previous closing price, multiplying it by the volume for the period, and then adding the result to the previous PVT value. This cumulative flow of money is then plotted on the chart as a line. By monitoring the PVT, traders can gain valuable insight into the underlying momentum of the market, helping them make better decisions regarding their trading strategies.

Volume indicators are crucial analytical tools utilized in trading to assess the quantity and significance of market activity. These indicators offer insights into the intensity of buying and selling pressure within a given asset or market, aiding traders in identifying potential shifts in sentiment and market trends. By analyzing trading volume alongside price data, traders can make well-informed decisions and anticipate market movements with greater accuracy, enhancing their overall trading strategy and performance.